The War-Banking Model – the Dark Heart of the West

Senast uppdaterad: 2015-05-13
Ever wondered what the nexus of the West is?

The nature of that mysterious force which propels it forward through time?

Below is laid bare the quintessence of what make the western so-called democracies tick?

We call it the War-Banking Model.

  1. Pretty much all human activity in the West is quantified and regulated through money. The more money that is circulating in a society, the better the scope for activity.
  2. Privately owned banks control the supply of money. They do this by creating money out of nothing, so-called Fractional Reserve Banking, and the lend these out.
  3. By deciding whom to lend to (and not) these banks also decide on what types of activity to promote in a society.

One would be forgiven for believing that the creation of money, as well as the initial investment decisions of this money, should be the prerogative of the elected government – not by private bankers.

At least in a democracy.

The fact is that the financial oligarchs that own the banks control the economy that in turn control governments.

This is the context for this legendary quote reportedly coined by the founder of the German banking family the Rothschilds:.

“Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes it’s laws”

Paragraphs 1-3 delineates a society that could be in some sort of balance, if the amount of money in circulation is sufficient to uphold the activity in the society.

This, unfortunately, is not the reality.

  1. Banks charge interest on the money they create out of thin air and lend out.
  2. The money to pay for this interest does not exist at the time the money is created and has to, somehow, be created outside of the system sometime in the future.
  3. The effect of interest is that societies can never achieve financial stability and therefore neither political stability. The reason is that the total amount of money in the society constantly has to increase in order for this ex-nihilo-lending-interest circus not to collapse.
  4. And what happens, when it collapses – when there is no money to pay the interest? The banks expropriate whatever assets the debtors put up as collateral for their loans.

Text books on economics calls this merry-go-round of expansion and collapse (or contraction) the Economic Cycle.

It is revered like some sort of Natural Law akin to Gravity.

In reality, the ex-nihilo-lending-interest circus is but a scaled up version of the board game Monopoly invented and constantly tweaked and calibrated by faceless banksters – for the purpose of sucking out all the wealth of society into their own coffers.

  1. There is a way to avoid the cycle from collapsing. It is to ensure that the real economy never stops growing.

What is the real economy?

The part of the economy that is concerned with actually producing goods and services, as opposed to the part of the economy that is concerned with buying and selling on the financial markets
Source: Financial Times.


  1. The easiest and fastest (and often only) way for the real economy to grow is through resource-expropriation – i.e. the appropriation of resources currently outside of the system, or society (the money to pay for the interest has to come from somewhere). Since resource-expropriation usually means taking something from someone else, the outcome of the ex-nihilo-lending-rent circus sooner or later is spelled war (under whatever pretext).
  2. War, incidentally, is also en effective way to reset the economy in a society and re-start the ex-nihilo-lending-rent circus.

This is the War-Banking Model of the West- the quintessence of what the Western so-called Democracies today represent.

It is what drives globalization.

But where will this game of real-life Monopoly end?

Once all the resources of the planet have been grabbed by the financial oligarchs – what is their next step?
























