The Ultimate Bankster Sting
Maybe something that sounds too good to be true really is too good to be true.
How can someone like Michael Kumhof, senior researcher at the UN body the International Monetary Fund (IMF) take a page from the Conspiracy Theorist’s Bible and travel the world lecturing about how to effectively destroy all the banks in the world, and not only have a job to go to the next day – but after the act actually find an even more prestigious position at Britain’s central bank, the Bank of England? Is Kumhof under the cover of being a radical free-thinker actually preparing the ground for what might be the last public sting of the top echelon of the world’s financial oligarchs for establishing a global monetary dictatorship with a one-world currency with themselves in the driver’s seat? |
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The power of God
For years, independent researchers have tried to bring home this simple message to people around the world:
Government’s don’t create money. Privately owned banks do and they do it out of thin air, as debt. Behold, the reason for pretty much everything that is wrong with the world today: Fractional Reserve Banking (FRB). |
The inevitable upshot, as confirmed by a stock trader by the name of Alessio Rastani on BBC News in 2011: “Governments don’t rule the world – Goldmann Sachs rules the world.”
Policy decisions, big and small, are measured in – and governed by – money.
If a bank does not approve of the reader’s idea for a new car or house, it will deny the loan request. Governments that do not heed bankster expectations, face similar fates or worse.
The fix to unhealthy master-serf relationship between banksters and everyone else, is that governments completely cut the banks out of the business of creating money. The only body that legally should be able to create money are governments.
The bottle-neck for countries that have assumed full control over its creation of national money, will be skilled labor. The reader may also need to get used to free education, near zero-unemployment figures, and 4-6 hour workdays. Oh, and no taxes.
Governments able to create all the money it needs itself, does not need to rely on income taxes for funding the annual budget.
This, is how Michael Kumhof has made a name for himself outside of the IMF: by travelling the world and repeating the revolutionary ideas of criminalizing FRB.
Still, Michael has a job to go every morning.
The Ultimate Sting
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The entities that engineered Fractional Reserve Banking knows everything the reader just read.
They also understand that the moment the public becomes politically aware of this, it is bye, bye – banksters. At least bankers on the level discussed in Michael Kumhof’s paper “The Chicago School revisited” – which are the types of banks serving the reader and almost everyone else. |
So, what can top echelon banksters that wish to continue to stay in covert control over the world do?
They can do what was done already in 1930, create a central bank for all the central banks in the world: the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) and ensure that when the moment of general awakening arrives governments around the world will cave in to public demand and, indeed, criminalize Fractional Reserve Banking and give only the central bank of their country to issue money.
And here in lies the problem.
Although central banks appear to be banks of the government, they really are not.
They not only have a standing relationship with BIS – they also act independently from the national governments in the countries of which they pretend to be part.
This particular misunderstanding seems to hearken back to the concept of Division of Power, in itself a nice idea but in practice means that the power that was supposed to be “executive” (as distinct from “legislative” and “judicial”) just handed over it’s pretty much only tool for being “executive” – deciding on and funding their own budgets – to the private banks.
The solution favoured by the top banksters in this world is that once the private banks are gone, or just neutered (having had their money-creation ability taken away from them), BIS will reign supreme as the lender of last resort to all the world’s central banks.
When this final consolidation of power takes place, the reader should not be surprised if all the currencies in the world are soon replaced by just one global currency.
By LegeNet, 2015-03-13 @ 11:42
När illusionerna faller har alla som ser klarast och gör de mest klarsynta analyserna en unik möjlighet att påverka. Självklart försöker banksters i vanlig ordning skapa sin egen kontrollerade opposition, men det riktigt intressanta i det labila läge vi nu befinner oss i, med alltfler som äntligen har fattat att de inget har fattat och nu yrvaket söker svar, är att denna möjlighet står öppen för alla som ser klart. Ut och plantera meme! Text om det: .
Som du själv skriver i den jättebra artikeln, det är inte politiker som styr världen. De är bara skådespelare. Citat från min egen länk: “Varför ska vi ha skådespelare som spelar “folkvalda”, varför kan vi inte föra dialog om de verkliga frågorna, med de verkliga aktörerna?!” “99% av befolkningen köper sin trygghet som slavar av sin huvudägare, staten, numera i form av det företag som är noterat på New York-börsen: SWEDEN, KINGDOM OF. Inte ens politiker reflekterar över denna modell som ju är den reella och inte någon skapelse på något dokument från någon överstatlig organisation“. För likaväl som politiker är skådespelare som spelar folkvalda, så är de politiska överstatliga styrdokumenten även de teater, och den som vill förstå måste se till det reella, inte till vad som sägs/skrivs.
Likadant är det f.ö. med det juridiska. Det reella är att Lag och rätt är ersatt av ett system baserat på handel. Den vinstdrivande ekonomiska enheten Sveriges Domstolar org. nr 202100-2742 har t.ex. F-skattebevis som kvitto på att det är pengavinst verksamheten går ut på. Jmf. vilka som i enlighet med offentliga uppgifter från Skatteverket, SKV samt Svensk Författningssamling kan inneha F-skatt bevis. Men i likhet med att man inte kan förstå något genom att lyssna/läsa till/på vad som påstås/sägs/skrivs om man vill förstå vad som händer, så är Sveriges Domstolars jurister duktiga på att låtsas inte förstå detta.
På alla olika nivåer bygger förtryck på att inte erkänna verkligheten utan istället presentera en lära, som alla “måste” tro på….