Caught on camera: Swedish MP commits treason
Senast uppdaterad: 2014-05-29
Swedish MP Julia Kronlid (Swedish Democratic Party) is a member of Sweden’s Foreign Affairs Committe.

On the video she is seen taking instructions for a 7-point program from her Israeli-agent handler Yonathan Avner Ben Yisrael on the need for subverting the Swedish constitution, undermining citizens legally guaranteed rights for free expression and undermining the work of Swedish government agencies.
The background is that the Swedish Democratic Party after decades as a quaint fringe phenomenon with a very limited following, a few years ago was infiltrated and taken over by a number of israeli agents – after which the party, thanks to as yet unidentified financiers and zionist-dominated media, rose in prominence and rapidly acquired twenty seats in Sweden’s 349 seat one chamber parliament.
The picture below shows one of the zionist infiltrators, Ted Ekeroth, who after the successful completion of the operation was awarded the prestigious Herzl-award by Israel.