The Clash of Civilizations – Who is Really the Enemy of Europe and its Christian Heritage?

Senast uppdaterad: 2015-01-09


It seems increasingly clear that whomever orchestrated the reported attacks against the French magazine Charlie Hebdo did not only wish to spare the British Royal House the incredible embarrassment of Prince Andrew’s involvement with under-age sex-slavery but also took the opportunity to once and for all unleash the Clash of Civilizations they have been building up toward for all this time.

We are referring to Samuel P. Huntington’s classic made more concrete with PNAC and it’s dreams of a “New Pearl Harbor”, – both of which were realized when the US Military-Industrial Complex and its network of moles inside i.a. the US intelligence establishment, on behalf of their employers: the ancient banking families of London and New York, created 9/11.

We are also referring to the increasingly pressured war criminal known as Benjamin Netanyahu who in the fall of 2014 publicly warned France from recognizing Palestine.

The French did not heed the warning.

A month after the French Parliament voted to recognize Palestine, France was – indeed – attacked.

They way in which the attack was staged it was also an attack on Europe and it’s Christian heritage.

Immediately after the attack a twitter-storm was unleashed – using the hash-tag #JeSuisCharlie.

To the jaded eye, JeSuisCharlie (JC), looks like a strong candidate for being an intentionally crafted occult code word for JesusChrist (JC).

The hash-tag is currently used by millions of clueless individuals who, unwittingly, are congregating under the crypto-parole: We are all JC and our Prophet is Charlie Hebdo.

Here is a question: Who really hates Jesus and Christianity to the extent that they do not only wish to strike against what is perceived as a blasphemous magazine, but to drag all of Christianity in the gutter, by making people in Europe (many of whom are Christians) embrace the cultural low-point of Charlie Hebdo as their icon and role-model for the 21st Century?

Who has the sophistication and evil genius (indeed interest) to create something like this?

A gang of young disenfranchised patsies from suburbia?

Below the reader finds two videos: the top one is a commented version of a popular Israeli children’s program. The second one is an interview with a Zionist operative named Barbara Spectre.
















  • By hp, 2015-01-09 @ 21:24

    They’re not called “the usual suspects” (among other things) for no reason.

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