From Kiev to Kuala Lumpur – soon in a theatre near you

Senast uppdaterad: 2014-03-14
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After loosing the war against Syria in 2013 (to skillfull Russian diplomacy) and now seeing it’s 2014-revolution in Ukraine (color: black) go down in flames, has Washington felt compelled to pull out its last trump card in the quest to turn the planet into a global Gulag under their control?

The card has already been put on the table – although face down.

Depending on what happens next in Ukraine, in particular in Crimea’s referendum on Sunday March 16, Washington may choose to use the card and turn it face up – or just discard it and never let the world now what it was.

So, what is the card?

The disapperance of flight MH370 over the South China Sea a week ago.

If Crimea votes to join Russia and things starts go south for Washington in the rest of Ukraine, too, don’t be surprised to “learn” that MH370’s disappearance was actually caused by initially unknown entities soon to be identified as “Extra-Terrestrials”.

As always is the case with the controlling faction behind the “West”, the truth is never what it seems, and the real culprits are much more likely to be the faction’s secet space program that since at least six decades (if reports are to be believed) have a fleet of interstellar capable free-energy antigravity vehicles of their own.


But why?

Maybe the enigmatic timing behind the MH370 disappearence and the Crimea referendum simply is because the powers that be in the West wants to keep the public in a state of bewilderment and limbo, looking the other way, so as to not spot the obvious flaw in the logic of the West’s leadership when it wants us to believe that public referendums somehow is a bad thing.

Especially referendums in which 97% of people agree on something,

A question with reference to the referendum in Crimea:

  • How many countries in Europe afforded their citizens the right to hold referendums regarding the Lisbon Treaty?
The reality is that the USA and the EU and Israel with it, are all on the wrong side of history and that if there is such a thing as The Great Satan of our time (phrase coined by religious leaders in Iran), the United States of America is the only contemporary candidate for that epitaph.

From his follows that Israel and the EU must be the Imps of Satan.


















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