60 million USD claim against government of Sweden for failure to respond to citizens request for information on chemtrails

Senast uppdaterad: 2014-04-01

On April 1, 2014, charges were filed against the Swedish government and three of its agencies to the nation’s Chanceller of Justice for widespread and systematic violations of the much heralded “public principle” (“offentlighetsprincipen” similar to FOI). The violations occurred when the government failed to respond to over 4,000 citizen requests for information related to the ubiquitous spraying of aerosols over the country from aircrafts (a k a “chemtrailing”) that has been going on for several years.

Government | Armed Forces | Environmental Protection Agency |
Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute

Sweden’s “dirty half-dozen”: Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt, Minister of Defence Karin Enström, Minister for the Environment Lena Ek, Environmental Protection Agency Director General Maria Agren, Commander in Chief Sverker Göransson,
and Director General for the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute Lena Häll Eriksson.

Given the scale and systematic nature of the violations, as well as the number of victims (over 1,034 as of April 1, 2014), damages of 100,000 SEK (ca. 15,000 USD) per instance have been claimed. Since the number of known instances of failure to uphold the “public principle” is over 4,000, the Swedish government may face up to half a billion SEK (ca. 60 million USD) in total claims.



Box 2308



Starting on February 11, 2014 – i.e. seven weeks or 49 days ago – the Government (Ministry of the Environment), the Armed Forces, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute and other government agencies have been approached with a demand for answers and action plans concerning the threat to human health as well as the entire ecosystem posed by the aerosol spraying of the sky over Sweden that occur on a daily basis.

The only official body that acted in accordance with the “public principle” and actually responded to the request was Sweden’s Civil Aviation Authority.

We therefore now file charges against the Government, the Armed Forces, the Environmental Protection Agency and the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute for violations against the “public principle”.

The charges include a claim for each agency for 100,000 SEK for each person, i.e. a total of 400 000 for undersigned.

The ongoing aerosol spraying over Sweden could hardly take place without Government consent and knowledge of aforementioned agencies and we reserve the right to further damages claims against these, as well as other so far unidentified entities, when the extent and coverup of the spraying has been confirmed.



1. Request for information from the Government (Ministry of the Environment), the Armed Forces, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, and Sweden’s Civil Aviation Authority: http://raddasverige.nu/?page_id=258

The original request (2014-02-11):

Dear elected official, civil servant,

The one contemporary societal issue that perhaps best epitomizes the Danish writer Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tale “The Emperor’s New Clothes” is the stunningly massive aerosol spraying program government agencies and elected officials in Sweden quietly allow to continue to happen and which the media simply refuses to touch.

Given the many alarming reports about what chemicals the aerosols are actually made up of, as well as the harmful effects they have on humans and the ecosystem it is now time for an immediate halt to the spraying, followed by a public and intellectually honest discussion where all the facts are presented to the public.

Your response, including a proposal for action-plan is expected within three weeks.

Please reply to the sender CC .

The homepage of this petition:























  • By James Standish, 2014-04-06 @ 13:58

    I feel strongly it’s part of population control and since Monsanto is involved with the spraying’s It must be medical corporate greed! Evey time you see a drug add on TV it makes a persons with a little common sense outraged! If they can’t get us to take the useless pharmaceutical drugs, they spray them on us and put them in the water!

  • By Anne Woodworth Bassingthwaite, 2014-04-04 @ 16:53

    They are doing the same to us in Canada. I live on Vancouver Island BC and we get Aerosols/Chemtrails daily. There is an ongoing Lawsuit from The Holmestead(google the Holmestead Chemtrials) as well a petition has been heard in Canadian Parliament last year.(google Parliament Canada Chemtrails petition 2013 Presentation)
    Thank you to the Brave Chemtrail Activist in Sweden!!!!!

  • By Steve, 2014-04-02 @ 18:10

    It is an act of war against the people to spray them with unknown chemicals!

  • By theredhog, 2014-04-02 @ 09:46

    The Chemtrails are Poison to Humans. The so called Governments that we have are paid for their assistance in the Chemtrailing and I believe they are given Meds. Ect. to Detox themselves from the chemtrails. This is a Crime Against Humanity and these so called Government leaders are comitting treason against us and they need to be tried for treason .

  • By george knowles, 2014-04-02 @ 05:33

    we demand a full public enquiry into the slow poisoning of the Swedish populace by it’s own Government. This Ariel Spraying of unknown chemicals is an Abomination and is to the detriment of public health.

Other Links to this Post

  1. Blueshift » Valprognos 2014 – chemtrails den stora skrällen — 2014-04-05 @ 00:39

  2. 60 million USD claim against government of Sweden for failure to respond to citizens request for information on chemtrails « Galactic ConnectionGalactic Connection — 2014-04-02 @ 03:33
